Monday, January 8, 2007

New year, more fun!

Hey guys! I'm back on the scene after a slight abscence from bein around to torture you guys with my insanity. Miss me? :P

Anyway... let's get right to it. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wewt!

OMG I stole Gore's roller right out from under him during the Christmas funtime!
With a whole new shiny year ahead of us... I'd better catch up on hosting The Clock Tower! I hear my lack of appearances has been sliiiightly noticed. Been working hard RL and a tad on the sick side but I'll get the ball rolling in due time.

Topher... AKA: Flurffy to me... showed me around his new place which is pretty spiffy if you ask me. Even got to join in the amusements of a hot tub party with him and his friends! A bunch of furres were never more fun.

I'm amazed at all the insanely cool places around SL too... I mean the possibilities are truly endless! Just last night my friend Uber brought me to Crooked House... TRIPPY! The house itself changes around so you can walk upside down and sideways! I remembered to take a few snaps of it to show you guys my little adventure there :)
