Saturday, April 14, 2007

Aye... ya'll get a little updated shot of me from the other night. Ignore the mess in the background if you take notice to it. Well you will now that I've mentioned it. Dang. Either way... read on those who dare bother with my blogy thing!

Wow it's been a time since I've bothered with this hmm? Let's start with some RL related news. Won't be around tonight... HelloGoodbye concert. Uh what else... I've managed to repair my computer somewhat so it doesn't reboot AS much as before so that's good. Darn faulty RAM.

Now on to more important issues! SL! I've had a lot more free time there lately... probably too much for my own good. Seriously. I've become a photoholic once more and taking snaps everywhere I go. I've been exploring to the hilt and spending almost all my time otherwise in SDS.

Employment goes as follows: Mermaid whenever I can/remember there's events in VooDoo Lounge. Yes... I work there sometimes. Deal with it. It's a job.

Anyways I'm trying to save whatever L I can, so far making my way off sploders. Gotta love those things :P
Awww.... I'mma cute lil bunny being watched by the hungry lions... kyooooooot :P Nadu little one... Nadu.

Oh yeah... I'm an awesometastical DJ if I do say so myself. And I do say so! Ha! I've got the tunes... I'm in a freakin bunny suit... so lets rock this place! Oh wait... I was alone... and messing around :P Oopsie. No parties with me for you!

Ah the wonders of SL... so peaceful... so serene... OMG IS THAT A SHARK?! Run... er... swim for your lives little fishies! Seriously though... isn't it beautiful?

Being your own model is fun. You choose the clothes... the pose... angles and lighting. It's a blast! Ah... mais oui... a wedding in grand ol Paris! J'aime comment la lumière fonction bien avec la blanche du robe... c'est magnifique! Haha sorry... I sometimes babble in other languages!

Speaking of weddings, some of you have been asking about Tom and myself. I've got a vague answer if you like one. I really don't know when we'll marry in SL. Yes yes I know it's been a couple months now but really... I don't know!


Saturday, March 3, 2007


As most of ya'll know by now... I've officially resigned from being Hostess at The Clock Tower for a few reasons. So... thanks all for allowin me the fun times and trouble for as long we we've had em! Oh sure I'll still be around from time to time with an appearance as the local Fancy Butt... I mean sure why not? But anyways... here's one last go for ya.

If ya'll wanna join in, the dance machine is the big blue ball above us!

It was a long road comin hasn't it? I mean... I've been around since I was barely a newb... haha... "newb". Such a funny word. Ok ok I'll get back on track, oh look... a kitty! But yes... I came from being a total know nothin to where I am now thanks to those at The Clock Tower.

Gore: For teachin me how to fly...
Kenzie: For showin me how to look like the coolest dork around.

Sasha: For being the human party favor.

Topher: Bein the bestest Flurffy a girl could ask for, and keepin it ongoing!
Everyone else not named: Ya'll are awesometastical.

Alllllrighty before this somehow turns into some boring Oscars speach lets just get ON with it.
I guess that's about all I've got to say really for now so... catch ya'll on the dance floor!

"Fancy Butt"

Monday, January 8, 2007

New year, more fun!

Hey guys! I'm back on the scene after a slight abscence from bein around to torture you guys with my insanity. Miss me? :P

Anyway... let's get right to it. HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wewt!

OMG I stole Gore's roller right out from under him during the Christmas funtime!
With a whole new shiny year ahead of us... I'd better catch up on hosting The Clock Tower! I hear my lack of appearances has been sliiiightly noticed. Been working hard RL and a tad on the sick side but I'll get the ball rolling in due time.

Topher... AKA: Flurffy to me... showed me around his new place which is pretty spiffy if you ask me. Even got to join in the amusements of a hot tub party with him and his friends! A bunch of furres were never more fun.

I'm amazed at all the insanely cool places around SL too... I mean the possibilities are truly endless! Just last night my friend Uber brought me to Crooked House... TRIPPY! The house itself changes around so you can walk upside down and sideways! I remembered to take a few snaps of it to show you guys my little adventure there :)
